I thought I'd make a quick post about the day we all dread... Make up brush cleaning day *sigh*. We all know cleaning your brushes is a necessity, but takes forever. However this week I found a product that has saved me so much time and effort, so I thought I'd share it with you!

I've had this Body Shop Tea Tree Cool and Creamy Wash for a while. I've discovered I'm not a huge fan of creamy facial washes, so this product was just sat around my bathroom going to waste. I decided to attempt to clean my beauty sponge (which we all know is torturous) with this and it managed to clean it so well with minimal effort! It has an added benefit as it is tea tree based - a natural anti-bacterial, which is amazing for cleansing anything that is going to come into contact with your face.
So now to clean my beauty sponge all I do is dampen it, put a dollop of tea tree facial wash on, rub it around and rinse! By using this small amount you can see most of the product has been lifted from the sponge.
I've also been using this to clean my brushes.
Most of my eye brushes were heavily stained from pigments I use and brow pomade. You can see this facial wash has easily lifted those stains. Although this probably isn't as gentle as baby shampoo, none of my brushes are ever ruined during the process.
I use the same technique as I do with my beauty sponge: put the product in my hand, swirl my brush around, and rinse. You can see how effective it is!
Unfortunately I think this product has been discontinued (or fortunately in my case as I didn't like it for cleansing).
However I have used the Body Shop's Tea Tree Facial Wash (that isn't creamy), and that works equally as well - if not better. It isn't too expensive either at £5.50.
Superdrug also offer an alternative; their Tea Tree Facial Wash at £3.29. These products are all cruelty free also!
I hope this has helped someone out there.
Thanks for reading!
Heather ☾